Dear Disappointed

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Dear Gala Guru,

I recently planned a luncheon for several of the ladies from my book club.  Since we have been meeting monthly for 6 months now, I thought this would be a great way to get to know them better.  I set this up on my patio and had linens, flowers, and a wonderful luncheon planned.  It was a lot of work.   I was very disappointed when one lady wouldn’t eat because of a nut allergy and one lady wouldn’t eat because of a lactose issue. Shouldn’t they have told me beforehand?


Dear Disappointed,

I’m sorry your beautiful luncheon turned into a dietary disaster.  Since they knew well in advance that they were attending a luncheon, I too feel it was their responsibility to inform you of all dietary restrictions.  It’s just common courtesy. I certainly don’t want to knowingly ingest something that’s going to send me to the ER.  Nobody wants to play a game of “Guess What’s in the Dish” with their health. That’s like a surprise party, with less confetti and more panic.

Additionally, it is a good policy for hostesses to ask their guests if there are any dietary issues before planning an event where food is served.  In the moment, you can only apologize and scramble to find something else they can munch on.  Lesson Learned!

Bon’ Appetit


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Posted on: June 10, 2024
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