Solstice Party!!!

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Solstice Party

It’s this weekend!  June 20th, 2024 – the summer solstice.   So, if you’ve been waiting for the perfect excuse to celebrate, this is it!  And let’s be real, it might be crazy hot depending on where you are, so why not throw a pool party? If you don’t have a pool, no worries; the local pool is your new best friend. Or hey, just crank up that AC and throw an indoor bash. Now, for the important stuff.

You might suggest everyone wear Druid robes and bring their own Mead!   Hold a contest for the longest sun salutation pose while balancing a drink on their head.  Make it easy on yourself and turn it into a potluck. And don’t forget to serve a signature solstice beverage. How about a “Druid Daiquiri” or a “Solstice Sour” with a cute drink umbrella?  Something to make the longest day of the year seem short. You’ll be the ultimate solstice hostess.

The Gala Guru

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Posted on: June 17, 2024
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