A Sticky Wick-et

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Dear Gala Guru,

I threw a party for about 30 people. Everything was going smoothly and everyone was having a good time. I was outside visiting with my guests, then went inside to freshen drinks. I was surprised to find that one of my guests had lit every candle in the house. When asked, she said she was “creating atmosphere”. How do you handle that gracefully?

Eric from Scottsdale

Dear Eric,

Wow, that is a burning question.  It was also a pretty bold move by your guest, especially since your ambiance mojo was already working well.  I think candles represent tranquility and maybe your guest needed a little Zen.  I could wax on about the soothing effect of candles on one’s mood but I think it says a lot about this guest’s need for calm…. or maybe control.  However, it’s still your party. 

To handle this situation gracefully, and to keep them from flaming out, you could suggest that the real hot spot is outdoors and point them in that direction.   

Plus, to avoid any fiery fiascos, it might be wise to gently mention the whole fire hazard thing—because a roomful of candles without supervision?  

Perhaps this guest feels the need to be helpful.  Give them a job where you can satisfy their need to be beneficial and keep your eye on them simultaneously.

Looking ahead, to the next party, hide the candles, and keep a fire extinguisher close by.

No party guests will be able to hold a candle to diplomatic skills.

Safety first



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Posted on: July 8, 2024
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