Weathering the Storm

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Dear GG,

I recently had some friends over for cocktails and dinner.  It was a dark, rainy day and we were all glad to be inside with the drinks and appetizers.  I had just put the roast beef and the potatoes in the oven given we were to have an hour of appetizers, when lightning struck a transformer and the electricity went out.  It affected the entire neighborhood so it wasn’t like I could take everything out of the oven and cook it at a neighbor’s house.  I felt the evening was a disaster from that point on.  We all waited for the electricity to come back on so,  in the meantime everyone continued drinking, hoping it wouldn’t be much longer.  We grabbed more crackers and cheese to keep food flowing.   By the time the power came back on it was too late to start cooking.  Everyone was a little worse for wear and just wanted to go home.  Now I am freaked out about ever having another dinner party. 

Dear Gina,

Wow! An electrifying evening indeed! When it rains it pours.  It’s tough to see your dinner plans fall apart.  Next time a monsoon decides to crash your party, remember that the local pizza delivery is just a phone call away. Who needs electricity when you can have a cheesy, delicious backup plan?   It’s not what you had planned, but you just gotta roll with it.  You still have the pot roast!  Don’t be freaked out. Invite your guests for another evening and make it a “pot roast resurrection” party. Get the candles out just in case.  Embrace the chaos, Gina.  Weather happens!  You’ll be ready the next time Mother Nature decides to crash your dinner party!  

The Gala Guru

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Posted on: July 22, 2024
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