Go With the Flow

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Man in a tuxedo using a watering can to water palm tree at a party

Dear Gala Guru,

I recently volunteered at a fancy fundraising event attended by many of the local elites. At the end of the evening, as the last guests were leaving the ballroom, much to my horror,  one well-known and highly inebriated attendee stopped to pee in a potted palm. I was so shocked I froze. What should I have done?

~Perplexed in Portland

Dear Perplexed,

Ah, the classic “Peeing in the Palm” predicament! Wow, what an exciting evening!  Sometimes, nature calls at the most inconvenient times.  It seems this particular VIPee could not hold back his excitement about the fundraiser. I am sure this guest was relieved, thinking no one had witnessed him watering the plants. Sometimes, life’s lessons trickle in unnoticed; other times, life provides a steady stream. You could always take aim and put out a sign at the next fundraiser saying, don’t water the plants, but other than that, there isn’t much you can do. However, don’t let the moment go whizzing past.  Sometimes, the lesson is simple; you just gotta go with the flow!

Remember, there is always a reason to celebrate!

The Gala Guru


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Posted on: August 12, 2024
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