Class of ’74

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Dear Gala Guru,

We have been planning our class 50th reunion, but there was some friction when some members of the class wanted to include class members from the years before and after ours. Others felt this reunion was special and should be limited to our classmates and their plus-ones, especially since the number of people who would fit into the venue was limited.
How is the best way to handle this?

Getting Older by the Minute

What’s Crackin’ Class of ’74 Reunion Committee, 

The debate is on! Who’s Invited to the Reunion? Let’s tackle this with the wisdom of a half-century post-high school life. Your 50th class reunion is indeed a Dy-no-mite milestone; understandably, opinions differ on celebrating it.  The golden anniversary of realizing high school was just the beginning of your pop quizzes in the school of life.   Do you want to share those cherished memories of Mr. Johnson’s toupee flying off during assembly with folks who weren’t there to witness it firsthand?  I can dig the desire to expand the guest list. Maybe some hope to finally get their groove on with the stone fox from the previous year.

Here’s the lowdown on a compromise that might work:

How about hosting a pre-reunion mixer and inviting neighboring classes but clarifying that this is just the warm-up for the main event? For the main event, keep it exclusive to your Class. After all, you’ve earned the right to reminisce about the good old days without someone from ’73 trying to one-up your stories.

If anyone gets bummed out, gently remind them that limiting attendees isn’t about exclusion. It’s about practicality.  If venue size is genuinely an issue, that’s a practical reason to limit attendees. Be transparent about this limitation, and your classmates will surely understand.

Remember, at this stage of life, every gathering is precious. And your 50th class reunion is no exception. It’s a time to come together, share memories, and create new ones. In the end, it’s your reunion. Plan it with precision and care. Just be sure to book a venue with dim lighting, comfortable seating, and a dance floor for those still hip enough to boogie down to the Hustle again.  Here’s to the Class of ’74 – may your memories be strong, your laughter be loud, and your reunion seriously off the hook!  Keep on rockin’!

Remember, there is always a reason to celebrate!

The Gala Guru

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Posted on: August 26, 2024
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