Silence is Golden

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Dear Gala Guru,

I have good friends who lean both right and left (at this age, probably literally and politically!) and I cringe before social gatherings at the thought of having to witness a tense conversation about the upcoming election.  I recently hosted a group of friends over to play bridge (again, showing my age), and all was good until someone made a political comment.  It seemed to unleash a barrage of comments, and the rest of the bridge game was tense.  How can I set the tone of the game so that this doesn’t happen again?  I don’t see this issue changing anytime soon!

A Swing-State Septuagenarian

Dear Swing,

My parents taught me that there are certain things you don’t do in a social setting, like discussing sex, religion, politics, or wearing white after Labor Day.  There is a time and a place for everything.  I love that we’re all different and free to believe the way we want, and I think it’s important to celebrate that diversity.   It keeps life interesting.  That being said, it is your house and your rules.  So, I think it’s crucial to set that tone upfront.  If everyone knows what subjects are off limits, it will prevent undue tension or hurt feelings during your card game. In my house, we won’t discuss guacamole made with peas.  It’s just too contentious.

Remember, there is always a reason to celebrate!

The Gala Guru

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Posted on: September 30, 2024
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