Family Reunion

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Dear Gala Guru,

Help!  My family reunion is coming up.  My first in about three years, and I am filled with anxiety.  I typically dread attending family reunions because, well…it’s family, and someone always goes off the deep end.  There are usually close to 30 people in attendance, which is a lot of people to deal with.  During the last family reunion, one of the uncles had too much to drink and told too many inappropriate jokes.  My cousin, who is recently vegan, was on a crusade to convert the rest of us.  My nephew took a job in a pyramid-type sales scheme and was out to sign us all up, so everyone was trying to avoid him.   I admit that I am searching for a good excuse not to attend. I don’t want to be around all those people.   Do you have any advice on how to handle this? My family is crazy, should I tell them?   Should I lie and say I’m sick?  If I don’t go, then some people will talk about me.  I may need medication.

Anxious in Orange County

Dear Anxious,

Well, first things first. Nothing puts the fun in dysfunction like a family reunion. I think everyone can relate to your situation. That being said, I believe honesty is always the best policy.  Saying you have a 24-hour case of anxiety will not work, and telling your family they’re all cray, cray (no matter how true that is) is unkind and unnecessary.   If you really don’t want to go to crazy town that weekend, then don’t get on that train. If you feel you must have an excuse, I am sure there is some other activity you can find to do.  Maybe that is the weekend to realize your dreams of climbing Mt. Everest or running with the bulls in Pamplona.  Kindly decline the reunion due to your previous commitment; life is way too short to be medicated for an event or spend your precious time doing something that makes you miserable.  You can always get together with those family members whose company you do enjoy at a later date.  And as for what others will think about you???  That isn’t something you have any control over.  I think it’s more important to be kind and find joy in the events in your life.

Remember, there is always a reason to celebrate!

The Gala Guru

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Posted on: October 14, 2024
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