Dear Sad

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Dear Gala Guru,

I was at a dinner party recently and a man spilled his red wine all over the host’s white tablecloth.  He was embarrassed, and the other 8 guests were also embarrassed for him. The hostess scrambled to get towels and everyone tried to stop the wine from spreading with their white napkins.  It was a big mess; everyone needed new napkins that didn’t match and now ugly towels are laying all over the pretty tablecloth.  The host seemed unmoved by the incident.  But the rest of us were horrified.  I still feel bad for the host.  Is there something I can do?

Sad in Santa Rosa

Dear Sad,

Sometimes life is like a sitcom.  Kudos to the host for keeping their cool in the face of chaos. Sounds like it wasn’t their first rodeo.

As for your role in this wine-tastrophy?  Not much really.  Accidents happen.  No use crying over spilled wine…wait, maybe there is.  You could always offer to kick in money for the dry-cleaning service.  Other than that, buy another great bottle of wine for the host.  After all, when in Santa Rosa,  wine not make the best of a spill?

Sip Responsibly, 

The Gala Guru

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Posted on: June 24, 2024
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