OH NO, A Verbal Volcano

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Dear Gala Guru,

My friend hosted a cocktail/dinner party for her husband’s boss and invited us even though we had never met him.  This man was such a bore.  He talked about himself all night long and never asked anyone else a question.  No one else got a single word in.  My friend shot me a glance halfway through letting me know how horrified she was.  It was a boring evening.


Dear Bored,

Ah, the classic dilemma of gracefully escaping a conversation with a chatterbox at a party!  It’s like a never-ending game of verbal dodgeball. These guests are like human Velcro – they just won’t let go of the conversation! I always try three times to change the subject.  When that doesn’t work, I start practicing my award-winning fake smile and slowly back away.  I realize that saying your head is on fire, and you must leave doesn’t work in every situation especially when someone’s potential job is on the line.  I have found that these people need compassion.  They may well be very insecure and feel like they are on the spot.  For them, it’s easier to talk ad nauseam than open themselves up to a potential question they don’t have an answer to.  That being said, there isn’t much you can do in that situation except smile inwardly.  Sometimes, I mentally check out and go to my happy place.  You were a good friend and sport.  Maybe the next time you are invited to dinner with this individual, you might instead find yourself organizing your sock drawer that evening.

The Gala Guru


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Posted on: July 29, 2024
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