Dear Gala Guru

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Donna Vessy the Gala Guru's blog post Weathering the Storm Weathering the Storm

Dear GG, I recently had some friends over for cocktails and dinner.  It was a dark, rainy day and we were all glad to be inside with the drinks and appetizers.  I had just put the roast beef and the potatoes in the oven given we were to have an hour of appetizers, when lightning […]

Read Full Post Posted on: July 22, 2024
Donna Vessy the Gala Guru's blog post No Regrets with a Serviette No Regrets with a Serviette

Dear Gala Guru, Is using paper napkins at a dinner party okay rather than cloth napkins?  Is there a rule? Myra Dear Myra, I don’t know if there’s an official napkin rule, as long as one is handy. There are so many amazing colors and choices for paper napkins these days.  It’s like a party […]

Read Full Post Posted on: July 18, 2024
Donna Vessy the Gala Guru's blog post Dear Baffled, Dear Baffled,

Dear Gala Guru I recently hosted a dinner party and just as we sat down to dinner, one of my guests started sneezing so loud and so often it was distracting the other guests.  She said she was allergic to my centerpiece.  Is that possible? She finally, had to leave the table and take some […]

Read Full Post Posted on: July 15, 2024
Donna Vessy the Gala Guru's blog post A Sticky Wick-et A Sticky Wick-et

Dear Gala Guru, I threw a party for about 30 people. Everything was going smoothly and everyone was having a good time. I was outside visiting with my guests, then went inside to freshen drinks. I was surprised to find that one of my guests had lit every candle in the house. When asked, she […]

Read Full Post Posted on: July 8, 2024
Donna Vessy the Gala Guru's blog post Independence Day Independence Day

Get ready to party like it’s 1776 because Independence Day is almost here! It’s time to bring out the red, white, and blue décor and fire up the barbecue. Want to spice things up this year? How about throwing a neighborhood shindig with hot dogs, ice cream, and live patriotic music? You could even quiz […]

Read Full Post Posted on: July 1, 2024
Donna Vessy the Gala Guru's blog post Dear Sad Dear Sad

Dear Gala Guru, I was at a dinner party recently and a man spilled his red wine all over the host’s white tablecloth.  He was embarrassed, and the other 8 guests were also embarrassed for him. The hostess scrambled to get towels and everyone tried to stop the wine from spreading with their white napkins.  […]

Read Full Post Posted on: June 24, 2024
Donna Vessy the Gala Guru's blog post Solstice Party!!! Solstice Party!!!

Solstice Party It’s this weekend!  June 20th, 2024 – the summer solstice.   So, if you’ve been waiting for the perfect excuse to celebrate, this is it!  And let’s be real, it might be crazy hot depending on where you are, so why not throw a pool party? If you don’t have a pool, no worries; […]

Read Full Post Posted on: June 17, 2024
Donna Vessy the Gala Guru's blog post Dear Disappointed Dear Disappointed

Dear Gala Guru, I recently planned a luncheon for several of the ladies from my book club.  Since we have been meeting monthly for 6 months now, I thought this would be a great way to get to know them better.  I set this up on my patio and had linens, flowers, and a wonderful […]

Read Full Post Posted on: June 10, 2024
Donna Vessy the Gala Guru's blog post Dear Exhausted Dear Exhausted

Dear Gala Guru.I recently threw a dinner party for some friends. Dinner started at 5 pm and at midnight no one was making any moves to leave. I was exhausted. How do you diplomatically get people to go home? Am I being rude?Exhausted Dear Exhausted.This is a problem that anyone who has ever hosted a […]

Read Full Post Posted on: June 3, 2024
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